Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where Have I Been? Where I Have Been...

It's been a little while, Everyone.

Happy New Year! 20 days late, but suck it, it's still January. =) Truth is, my dearly deloved (sue me, Gabe), I have not been well. Well, not terribly unwell. Just a wee bump on me wrist due to overdoing it. No 'unclean' ideas here, please. I'm talking playing guitar, typing (like these fancy newsletters), using smartphones (iPhone v. BlackBerry - let's get a vote!)... That kinda thing. Dig the pic below. Same type o'issue with my voice. That is, overdoing it.

So, with the new year comes a new resolution to play it smart and gradually build up my stamina for these activities so near and dear to my heart. Well, really nearer to my carpel tunnel and vocal cords, but you get the point. I'm already seeing great progress and, before ya know it, I'll be better than ever!

If you're not not already in the game, follow me on Twitter! My url is < >. It's really splendtaculisciouadoshizzle.

Also, did you know that you can forward this share this blog post with your friends. It's pretty much what all cool and anti-cool people alike are doing! And, on top of that, it would most excellent of you to do so. A word of caution: Everytime one of my blog posts goes unshared, the "Why-Are-You-Not-Sharing-Greg's-Blog-Posts-with-Your-Friends? Fairy" leaves mouse droppings in your ear while you sleep.

Love me. I'm very strange.

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