Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer in the Studio (pt 1)

So, I just completed a productive ten hours over two days of sangin'
and drummin' my lil' ol' heart out to the tunes of "Apart" and "Such a
Long Time," respectively... y'all. Topped my best vocally and laid
down drums 4 the 1st time EVA! Word. Respectively again... Y'all.

Big thanks to Patrick Hughes - or "Huggies," as he is affectionately
known in some small circle somewhere - for lending me his pro-
quality crashes and hi-hat!

Learned a few things this time around. Mainly, that I should use
nylon-tipped drumsticks instead of wood-tipped sticks when recording
to get a sound, particularly on the cymbals, that's easier to record.
I have before-and-after video of laid-back drummer-Greg versus beat-
the-drums-as-hard-as-possible drummer-Greg (respectively, y'all) that
is quite telling as to the consequences of using wrong-material-
tipped drumsticks. :*(

Moral of the story: Bring more food to the studio and use nylon-
tipped drumsticks when recording drums!

On my thilly way back to New York Thity. Next studio session is
August 19. Can't wait!

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