Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday (to me)!!

Now, I usually don't make a fuss about myself that way, but I happen to be throwing myself a celebration to which you are all invited!! And... I SAY, AND WHAT BETTER WAY THAN WITH ROCK N ROLL & SAVORY CUPCAKES?!

Come out and show your birthday love THIS Saturday night, May 15. The Greg Smith Group performs at National Underground at 10:00pm. Rock out w/cupcakes in hand - yes, there will be cupcakes!

SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2010
National Underground
159 E Houston St
New York, NY, 10002

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• Ages 21+ (minors must be accompanied by a parent)
• Admission is $10 at the door

A badass set + cupcakes is something one ought not miss. ;) Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Rock 'n' Roll Trident!

Wow. Kickass coupla nights. Thanks so much to for having me perform at their one year anniversary celebration! Also, I like to send out a warm - no, a HOT! - "Welcome to the growing Greg Smith LIVE! Community" to all the new friends I made at Bar East on Saturday night. You guys were a fantastic audience! For those of you who couldn't catch the show, here's a lil' sample clip:

One more poke o'the trident... TOMORROW NIGHT at Ella Lounge in Alphabet City (E. Village). Come out for one more kick-ass acoustic show before the birthday extravaganza in mid-May. Tomorrow night's show will be my first with a new booker - S.E.G. Presents - and we've got to show them how the Greg Smith LIVE! Community throws down. So, come on down and show ya <3! Details below...


TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010
Ella Lounge
9 Avenue A (b/t Houston & 2nd St)
New York, NY, 10009

• This show is ALL AGES (minors must be accompanied by a parent)
• Admission is $10 at the door

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