Sunday, November 23, 2008

What HAS Been Happening? [Part 1 of (I'm not sure how many yet)]

Well, it's been such a lonnng time since GregSmith of th'GregSmithGroup has excommunicated with y'all about whatnot... and such. I've been sans paper towels in the bowels of the beast, but at least I can say, "Hey, I covered some ground."

This is the first of what will be an ongoing, semi-consistent, highly-sTyliZed, and highly-hyphenated web-logging extravaganza! And, at recession prices and comic-strip-sized bites, you can't afford to take advantage of this mind-numbing... er, mime-blowing... (omfg)... MIND-blowing experience.

Last anybody really heard, I moved from my hometown of th'Greater Metropolitan Baltimore Area to the Apple-O Grosso, th'Land of Golden Eggs & Honey, Homey! The lil' Dutch cottage across the river on the hill with the American Indian name. The teeny island with a $770 gazillion ROI. Man, oh man, oh Manhattan!

What happens next? Tune back in next week - or whenever the hell I have time to post again.

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